Tips for Masks


No one loves wearing a mask, but the CDC has recommended that we do so “in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.” (NOTE: “Cloth face coverings should NOT be worn by children under the age of 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance” (CDC).

A mask is to prevent Covid from spreading, because it contains particles that would be sprayed into the air from coughing, talking loudly or for a long period of time, or singing. You can make one yourself with or without a sewing machine, or find a cute one to buy!

Here are my hacks for the best homemade mask, or to upgrade a store-bought mask:

I added soft wire tie to my store bought mask for a significant upgrade!

I added soft wire tie to my store bought mask for a significant upgrade!

  • Add Soft Wire Tie as a Nose Piece

    I make my masks with this wire or use a seam-ripper to make a small hole in my store-bought masks and insert 4.5” of Soft Wire Tie (then sew closed). It is a significant upgrade because it forms much better to your face and prevents your glasses from fogging up!

  • Use Premium Elastic

If you are making your own mask, I found this elastic from Amazon to be much more comfortable than regular elastic. This is a big roll of it and enough to make tons of masks!

Stay safe and make sure your mask is cute (and fits closely to your face)!

If you are flying or anywhere with lots of people, you can always add a coffee filter for added filtration.