Evivo Baby Probiotics

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Gas Pains MUCH Better, Reordered

UPDATE: I am about to have my second baby and will be ordering for her without question!

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OVERALL: Before we used Evivo Cohen would scream with gas pains for hours in the evenings (one notable time during my birthday dinner at my in-laws for 2.5 hours straight). After using for 4 weeks, Cohen RARELY suffered from gas pains. The 1-2 times he had, it was much less intense and didn’t last anywhere near as long (10 minutes tops). My mother-in-law and husband both noticed a positive change in his behavior without big crying episodes. In addition, as a nurse I feel like science is going to continue to discover the benefits of a healthy gut microbiome and I am glad Cohen got a jump start! Babies immune systems are developing at lightening speed in the first few years, so I wanted to try everything I could to help. Evivo is expensive (in my opinion), but I haven’t found other brands that have b. infantis and it’s hard to put a price on overall health and him feeling better.


Don’t forget to use the Fridababy Accu-dose to help baby suck it right down! It’s been a game-changer for administering syringe liquids to Cohen.

Evivo is a probiotic given to infants while they are on breastmilk. It comes in a tiny packet (like crystal light). You mix it in a tiny plastic dish with 3-5mls of breast milk then give the syringe to your baby once a day. You can purchase Evivo as a 1 month starter pack (what I did as I wanted to try), then purchase refills. The more months of product you buy, the less it costs. I just purchased the 2-month refill so that we would have a bit of a price break but we will still pay-as-we-go.

I am an oncology nurse and before I went on maternity leave my work was participating in a research study studying the gut microbiome. We were trying to study if there was a correlation to how well patients responded to treatment and their gut microbiome. This is a very new frontier of research, but scientists and doctors are recognizing that there is a lot we don’t know about the gut and it’s effects on our immunity and health. I had a C-Section and was given antibiotics intra-operatively. The idea is that antibiotics before or during delivery along with C-sections (the baby doesn’t experience the bacteria of the birth canal) reduce the amount of healthy bacteria babies have after birth.

From Evivo’s website: “The first 6 months of a baby’s life contain many critical developmental milestones. The presence of B. infantis is important during these crucial early months of life when baby’s metabolism and immune system are developing…9 out of 10 babies don’t have B. infantis… B. infantis, the key Bifidobacterium strain, is vital in building a strong foundation of good bacteria for your healthy baby. The presence of B. infantis reduces potentially harmful bacteria by 80%—especially those linked to a higher risk for conditions like colic, eczema, allergies, obesity, and diabetes.” www.evivo.com

I joined Evivo Rewards. You can use my referral code for $10 off (but if you find a better discount somewhere else, go for it!).


Before Evivo: