ScAmanda: Life Behind Bars


The weekly 4-part Docuseries, 'Scamanda,' premieres on 10/9/2024 on ABC and Hulu. Episodes will release every Wednesday x4.


There are many (myself included) who didn’t lose interest after the completion of the ScAmanda podcast detailing the Bay Area teacher/principal/mom who lied about having cancer for 8 years, but rather asked, “what happened next?”

If you have been wondering, “Did she truly stop lying and try to begin to make amends from prison?” Look no further for answers.

Someone else who was serving their prison sentence alongside Amanda at Federal Medical Center Carswell (FMC) reached out to fill me in on prison life and what Amanda was telling others about why she was in prison and about her health.

A Docuseries scheduled to air 10/16/2024 will recount the story of Amanda Riley’s cancer scam, including interviews and never before seen video footage on ABC and Hulu. It will detail how she abused the emotional, logistical, spiritual and financial support of hundreds via GoFundMe and her personal blog.

Nancy Moscatiello, the Investigative Producer, who first received the tip that Amanda was faking cancer and followed her lies for YEARS before Amanda was arrested has agreed to answer all of our questions after each episode airs! Submit your questions to me by adding a comment below or via Instagram. The Instagram Lives with Nancy can be viewed on each Thursday night:

10/17 at 8:30 pm PST

10/24 at 8:30 pm PST

11/1 at 8:30 pm PST (Friday)

11/7 at 8:30 pm PST

Amanda is scheduled for release on 1/8/2026.

As Amanda told the judge in her sentencing, “I will spend the rest of my life working towards the amends for the hurt that I have caused,” according to a transcript of the May 3, 2022, hearing as reported by the SF Chronicle.  

So… HAS Amanda stopped lying and been “working towards the amends” for her lies about having cancer?

Amanda was in prison for lying about her health conditions (AKA faking cancer for 8 years) and recently requested a shorter sentence due to her health. She is scheduled to be released 1/8/2026. According to court documents and as reported by Megan Cassidy of the SF Chronicle,

  • “Riley was taken by ambulance to an emergency room on 24 occasions during her first 18 months at prison…”

  • “Defendant’s medical records make clear that she does not actually suffer from any acute health problems at all…”

  • “Health care professionals repeatedly witnessed Riley attempting to skew test results: Riley was allegedly seen holding her breath during an oxygen saturation test, manipulating an infusion pump that was administering potassium to her, and “intentionally stress (ing) her body to create tachycardia” (SF Chronicle).

“During her first 18 months at the Carswell facility in Fort Worth, Texas, Riley was taken by ambulance to an emergency room on 24 occasions, following reports that included an increased heart rate, chest pains and a cut to her head that resulted in a “large amount of bleeding,” according to federal court records.” U.S. Attorney Michael Pitman states that “Perhaps not surprisingly … Defendant’s medical records make clear that she does not actually suffer from any acute health problems at all,” U.S. Attorney Michael Pitman said in a reply to Riley’s motion for a sentence reduction this spring… Pitman said health care professionals repeatedly witnessed Riley attempting to skew test results: Riley was allegedly seen holding her breath during an oxygen saturation test, manipulating an infusion pump that was administering potassium to her, and “intentionally stress (ing) her body to create tachycardia,” which is a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute, according to court documents” (SF Chronicle).

A fellow inmate sent me the following about FMC Carswell and her time there with


  • “The unit is literally a nursing home that Amanda and I were in… Lots of wheelchairs and walkers. People get high on pills around there. They call it a medical center but what’s insane is the few providers that would work there had ankle monitors on.”

  • The hospital is a building next to the living quarters. Not everyone there has medical issues.”

  • “Amanda told everyone’s she’s in prison for fraud that she was stealing money from the school since she was a principal.”

  • She thought that Amanda was not being truthful about the conditions she stated she had, but she had no way of proving it one way or another. Once released from prison and had access to the internet, she decided to Google Amanda and found information on ScAmanda.

  • At FMC Carswell, the only access to the outside world is email, phone and video calls. To get any information, you would have to have someone google something for you. Until about May 2024, the inmates were not aware that Amanda was in prison for lying about having cancer and collecting money for “chemo.” In May, someone in the compound received the cover picture of the podcast.

  • “It started off by her telling everyone she has a PACEMAKER and was battling MAJOR HEART ISSUES and she didn’t know how she was going to make it, because outside of prison she was getting the ‘best treatment’ and now that she’s not getting cared for properly she’s getting worse.”

  • “She started saying that she was having LUNG PROBLEMS and that her lung almost collapsed and that 20% of it wasn’t working the way it should.

  • Meanwhile she would walk up and down the stairs from her room in the top tier to the bottom so she could crochet and not once did she ever seem out of breath. She would always say that she’s been in and out of the hospital about 50 times and they “just couldn’t give her the care she needs’.”

  • “She started telling us her KIDNEYS are giving her problems and she needs to provide urine samples about 3 times a day.

  • “My friend and I noticed how when someone there who actually had medical issues shared, Amanda would soon start saying that she had the same symptoms and issues they had.”

  • She told someone that her CANCER HAD RELAPSED.

  • There was one inmate who was transitioning into a woman who was sent into Amanda’s room and she '“made the biggest scene, fainting and saying her lung felt like it was collapsing to be moved out of that room.”

Another former inmate of FMC Carswell reached out and shared the following:

“The problem with Carswell is the women who were the loudest about their medical issues didn't need it, and anyone recovering from a procedure was often ignored. It made no sense. They let Andrea Circle-Bear die pregnant of COVID in 2020. I hate those people but when someone like Scamanda shows up and does this shit, she's taking medical care away from other women.”

“…when someone like Scamanda shows up and does this shit, she's taking medical care away from other women.”

“Pretty much every single day someone has a seizure, usually from using psych meds to get high.”

“I know of a woman who legit had a pace maker and an idiot guard made her go through the metal detector anyway, and it fried the battery. They made her wait a year to get the battery fixed. It was outpatient surgery for f**ks sake, her pain meds were Tylenol. When they took her back to the prison she had to walk to her unit and go up the stairs. A lot of inmates fought the officers and got her a wheelchair but in order to get to her pain meds she still had to go downstairs and leave the unit and go wait 30 minutes in pill line.

She never had her follow up appointment so she cut out her own stitches in her chest. She was 69 years old, first female CEO in the US, there on a white collar embezzlement charge, not even being held in the right security level, our unit had some of the worst offenders you could think of. And that's how they handled surgery.”

I found this information very eye opening, along with the 24 ambulance rides in her first 18 months of prison. Please note that I am not able to independently verify each piece of information shared and am relaying it as it was shared with me (thank you so much for the ladies for sharing your experiences).

I am looking forward to watching the Docu-Series and even moreso, debriefing with Nancy after each episode on Instagram!


Scamanda was the #1 Apple podcast in 2024.