Gigi Pip Review

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Gigi Pip 5 word Review:

Fancy, Spend-y, Trendy, Well-Made

Use code “POPPIELADY” for 15% off now through August 31, 2020!

I had to see for myself if there is any way a $100 hat could be ‘worth it.’

I had to see for myself if there is any way a $100 hat could be ‘worth it.’

Summer fun is afoot and as a nurse who covers the dermatology and skin cancer clinic, I cringe a little bit because so few people are practicing regular #SAFESUN.

One of the recommendations we make to EVERY. SINGLE. PATIENT. is for them to use a broad rimmed hat. That being said, I wasn’t wearing one myself and was having a hard time finding both a stylish and well-built straw hat after looking online and at Target and Nordstrom. That is… until I saw a targeted ad for Gigi Pip hats.

I was quite surprised when I saw how expensive a hat could cost when I first came across Gigi Pip (and thus, ever more surprised to see how the hats FLY out of stock). I first saw Gigi Pip on the old IG and to be honest, it just didn’t seem like my style. I felt like the hats were for people who have excess disposable income and more than 7 minutes to get ready in the morning (I don’t fit either criteria at this point in my life).

Keeping Safe in the Sun with my Ozzy hat

Keeping Safe in the Sun with my Ozzy hat

Gigi Pip’s mission is to “build confidence in women and the many hats they wear,” which I find charming. I had a bit of sticker shock when I started skimming their website, but I decided to take the plunge and ordered the Ozzy Lifeguard hat. My $100 straw hat arrived in the mail and I have to say (somewhat to my chagrin)… it does live up to the hype.

It is sturdy, very well made, and feels completely different than my husband’s straw hat that we got from Nordstrom. I would definitely recommend trying them out if you are in need of a hat! There is something so fun about a fancy hat. It makes me feel British and oh, how I love the Brits!

The small print: I am a sucker for free returns. Gigi Pip will refund you shipping if you are returning for store credit, but if you just want your money back then you need to pay for shipping the hat back. They do have a shop in Salt Lake City, so that would be ideal so you could go try on all the hats!

They do note: Before returning a hat due to sizing issues, please make sure to adjust the hat for correct fit. 

The Annabelle Floppy hat is going to be my next purchase for fall.

The Annabelle Floppy hat is going to be my next purchase for fall.

Because I’m a nurse AND mom, you know I have to throw a few #TracisTips in here on #SAFESUN:

Did you know you should not use sunscreen for babies under 6 months? Their skin absorbs too much of the sunscreen, so physical barriers are the recommended method of protection (bucket hat and long sleeve SPF swim suits).

A 2010 Australian study showed that regular sunscreen use appeared to reduce the risk of melanoma in regular users by almost 50% (YOU GUYS, THAT’S HALF!!!!).

Happy Summer Fun in America!!