Diaper Bag Hacks

I would love to connect with you on Instagram, where I collect and share all kinds of tips to make life better.

You can see all of my tips for having kids on-the-go in this video:


The first hack is to always have a box of essentials in your trunk! MOST IMPORTANTLY I have a FULL sleeve of diapers for each of my kids (that way I don’t have to constantly replenish my diaper bag) and a full pack of Costco wipes (my personal favorite and the cheapest by far!).




I love the SkipHop Changing mat station and have it filled with a few diapers, the Huggies Clutch N Clean wipe holder and Desitin with the amazing and VERY essential Tush Swiper (trust me, you NEED THIS, I got the 2 pack).


Extra outfits for everyone in a must-pack! I also love these Melissa and Doug Activity sets for coloring without all the hassle while out to eat.


The real magic lies in my Mary Popping pouch, aka The Birdling Zip Pouch.


In it, I have emergency items for both baby and me including:

  • Tylenol, Ibuprophen, Simethicone (gas drops) and Benadryl labeled with appropriate dose

  • FridaBaby Accudose

  • Medela baby wipes for sanitizing bottles, pacifiers, cups, high chairs on the go (truly a must have!)

  • Band-aids and a wound wipe

  • Sunscreen samples

  • floss

  • tampons

  • stain remover wipe

  • deodorant wipe

  • Hair tie

  • Amara baby food packet and spoon (has way less sugar than other baby foods)

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Find the correct weight-based dose for your baby by clicking here and write it on the bottle in sharpie to avoid a hurried medication dosing error. Remember: most doctors do not recommend ibuprofen until 6 months.

  • I always have an extra bottle filled with powder formula on hand, in case hunger strikes when I wasn’t expecting.

  • I also always have a Baggu in the side pockets for shopping, bagging wet clothes, etc.

I hope these tips help you to make life run more smoothly! I would love to hear if you have found any lifesavers!!
