Cranberries for UTIs: Urband Legend or Nature's Miracle

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Last week I found myself sitting next to Dr Ekene Enemchukwu, Urologist and Urogynecologist. First and foremost, she is ridiculously friendly and has an amazing smile. Anytime I have access to a new specialist at work, I like to think of any tips or myths to ask them about and found myself wondering:

Cranberries for UTIs... urban legend or nature’s miracle cure?? 

What did I tell you about her smile?!?

What did I tell you about her smile?!?

Q: Is it an urban legend that cranberry can help prevent/treat UTIs?

A: No, it can definitely help, but you need to take the right concentrations and to take it everyday, not episodic (i.e. a handful of dried cranberries if it burns when you pee will do nothing).  If you already have symptoms, it’s too late for cranberry to help. The cranberry proanthocyanidins  (or PACs) actually coat the lining of your urinary tract and the bacteria and makes it difficult for the bacteria to stick to the urinary tract.

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Q: OK… what are these elusive correct concentrations?? Listed from most affordable to most expensive

A: 35mg of of proanthocyanidins (or PACs), found in Cran-MAX from Costco (True Nature). ($17.99 for 3 month supply or $0.19/day) 


OR you can also use D-Mannose 2 grams per day powder or capsule (4 capsules/day). ($34.44 for a 75 day supply, or $0.45 per day).


or 36mg of proanthocyanidins (or PACs): Ellura daily ($129 for 3 month supply or $1.43/day).


Q: So… if you have urgency, burning, frequency with a small amount of urine, there is nothing to help you besides antibiotics?

A: Not necessarily. I have had some patients flush out the bacteria with aggressive hydration. Hydration is always the best way to help with UTIs because it flushes out the bacteria. It’s also very important to pee every 3 hours.

There you have it! It you suffer from UTIs: urinating every 3 hours, increasing (or aggressively) hydrating and taking a prophylactic daily cranberry supplement are your best natural defense! 

As always, check with your doctor before starting a new supplement, no matter how natural it is. Some supplements can cause serious interactions with medications and sometimes even really adverse side effects (I’ve seen some horror stories).