How Amanda Riley of the Scamanda Podcast Faked Cancer for 8+ years
Amanda Riley, sick in the hospital. Photo generously provided by Rebecca Cafiero.
As an Oncology Certified Nurse of 10+ years, Iet’s debrief the SCAMANDA podcast! I am going to share my personal opinion of how I believe Amanda got away with faking Lymphoma for 8+ years. If you have not yet listened to this incredible (#1!) podcast by Charlie Webster and Nancy Moscatiello with Lionsgate, you MUST!!!
Traci Lyn Clark RN BSN OCN PHN (Registered Nurse, Oncology Certified Nurse, Public Health Nurse).
Oncology Nurse shares how Amanda Riley from SCAMANDA faked cancer for years. Photo by Laura Pope Photo.
If you missed my interview with Nancy Moscatiello, Investigative Producer and EP of SCAMANDA, you can watch it here. A HUGE ‘thank you’ to Nancy, who so generously has shared all of her knowledge and expertise, and for being an integral piece of stopping #Scamanda.
If you missed my interview with Rebecca Cafiero, one of Amanda’s Top Donors and friend/colleague of Goddess from SCAMANDA, you can watch it here. She shares more about Goddess, her donation history and some of Amanda’s messages to her. She also took the photo of Amanda used for the Podcast!
Photo “Magic”:
She would share emotional photos/blogs/social media detailing her cancer treatments. ALL of the photos of me in this post were taken within 24 hours during an outpatient procedure and at home. I used different gowns (can be found on eBay), hair extensions, and nail polish to change things around.
AMANDA RILEY: Photos from Yahoo News and I recreated her post.
ME: I am relaxing on my bed at home with a bracelet I kept from my outpatient procedure.
ME: My syringe is filled with glow stick fluid;)
AMANDA RILEY: Photo from Yahoo News and I recreated her post.
Every item in this example “bag of supplies” is a disposable item that is used in the ER. Do you recall in the podcast when Penny shared that she ran into Amanda at the hospital and Amanda had a “bag of supplies” with her? Amanda wouldn’t have even needed to steal them after any one of her ER visits.
Do you recall Jessa finding an old IV under her brother’s bed?
Every item in this example “bag of supplies” is a disposable item that is used in the ER/hospital. Remember when Penny said she saw her leaving the hospital with a “bag of supplies the nurses gave her”… I mean “Bag of Photo Props”?
You are looking at an unattended supplies cart in an outpatient unit. If there was anything she needed that she couldn’t just take home with her upon discharge from the ER, I would not put it past her to steal supplies (which I am NOT condoning and please do not do, but I am just explaining how she may have obtained them).
I found an oxygen tank online for sale within 2 minutes of looking.
This is some disposable oxygen tubing that was being thrown away after my outpatient procedure. She could have grabbed tubing at any one of her ER visits and purchased/rented an oxygen tank easily. FAKE PHOTO.
I found an oxygen tank for sale within 2 minutes of looking, no doctor’s order needed.
In the podcast, Officer Martinez described Amanda using an app called “Follow My Health,” which is an app where you can self populate ANY combination of medications, appointments, conditions, and physicians you desire. The below is an example I made which is similar to what he said she printed out, marched down to San Jose Police Department and left for Officer Martinez.
This is the same app that Amanda used to trick her friends, donors and employers. I downloaded and used the same app and it is entirely information YOU type in and does NOT need to be validated by any doctor, but it 100% tricked me because it looks legit and sounds just like the authentic, “My Health Online,” which is Stanford’s Medical App for patients.
Rebecca Cafiero shared on the Scamanda podcast that after she confronted Peggy (Amanda’s mom) with the Department of Justice Letters, Amanda called her and said, “…If you ever want to talk about it, I’m here. You’re welcome to join me at any of my appointments if you’re questioning anything and want to see first hand.” Rebecca goes on to describe a screenshot that Amanda sent of her ”chemotherapy” appointment. Rebecca goes on to describe that Amanda FaceTimed her from that chemotherapy appointment and Rebecca took a Screen Shot. I was desperate to see and Rebecca has generously shared and allowed me to share it with you:
Rebecca Cafiero generously supplied the screenshot from when she FaceTimed with Amanda “during her chemotherapy.” It is blurry and it doesn’t show much of the background.
However, as Special Agent Arlette Lee shared after reviewing all of Amanda’s medical records, she ABSOLUTELY DID NOT HAVE CANCER, nor was she ever treated for cancer. So what was the infusion?
Option One: She could have been at an Oncology Infusion Center for a non-Oncology infusion. I have worked at four cancer centers and oncology infusion centers give infusions to more than just cancer patients. They typically also provide infusions for Rheumatology/Allergy patients as well as iron infusions, blood transfusions and more.
Option Two: ANYONE can pay for an infusion via private infusion centers (aka “Wellness Centers”). These are infusions you pay out of pocket for, including ‘Hangover,’ ‘Glow,’ ‘Vivid,’ and more! They will even come to your home to infuse you for $225 (note: I find these types of offices very problematic, but that’s another post). She could have easily payed $225 for a “Hangover Glow” Infusion and FaceTimed Rebecca during her appointment. Nancy even mentioned this on the podcast that there was a local Infusion Center and someone named “Mandy” left a positive Yelp review about loving their doctor and the infusions there.
Photo from a local “Wellness Center, where you can self-pay around $200 for any combination of “Healing IV Therapy Drips for Cellular Health” that you think your cells need! Photo from
Let’s talk medications/chemo. I will definitely say that she used enough correct terms (keytruda, immunotherapy cycles, port, Reed-Sternberg cells) in her blog that I would guess she was copying someone else’s blog/timeline. We also know from Nancy’s trial that Amanda went to cancer support groups and would hear other patients talking about their diagnosis and feelings. She would delete and restart her blog on different platforms, making it hard to chronologically compare all of her writings.
“The amount of effort she put into (her fraud) is still kind of stunning to me to this day… she could have been ANYTHING and INSTEAD she did this.”
-Penny Fraley, Scamanda podcast, episode 8.
Amanda shared a similar photo on her blog. When Reddit users zoomed in, they noticed that the medication was pain medication that was expired and prescribed to someone named Kevin! If you look closely at my photo…
This medication was prescribed for my dog and is expired.
In addition to “Photo Magic,” I noticed the following four tactics:
She had a target audience:
She preyed on well-meaning people who valued faith. She exploited their value of charity and being religiously motivated to help others. Notably while “in remission” she would infiltrate new groups such as Family Community Church, a large, affluent church, and private Christian schools Valley Christian and Pacific Point. After a few months of endearing herself to the community and giving gifts and hand-making crafts (teachers at Valley Christian describe a year she handmade Christmas trees for each teacher’s room, supposedly after being hospitalized), she would suddenly “relapse.” Remember in the podcast when Lisa Berry tells Amanda about the fundraiser for a beloved Los Gatos dad who had brain cancer and that $100k was raised for him? And then the next day Amanda tells Lisa that she also has cancer? That seemed to become Amanda’s pattern: attempt to become a beloved member of the community and then “relapse.”
She zeroed in on the people of influence in each community. I wish I could write that she only exploited people who had the means to help, but as evidenced by her horrific act of taking (MORE THAN) 50% of the proceeds raised for Miss Cindy, who was actually dying of cancer at Pac Point, she lied to and stole from people who were actually dying of cancer.
2. Amanda made others EXPERIENCE her “cancer” with her.
Her cancer experience became their own memories and experiences. Cherise Valdez, Amanda’s friend from church, explained it perfectly:
“Amanda lied… there’s no way! That’s not real, there’s no way! I refused to believe that. It didn’t match with what I thought in my brain of her. I’ve seen her in the hospital, so clearly there is something going on… so there has to be some type of truth to this for doctors to have kept her in a hospital for that long. There’s no way that this could all just be made up when I’ve literally seen her in a hospital bed with tubes in her arm.
There’s evidence in front of my brain that you are sick because the doctors are tending to you.”
Now you may be asking, “OK Traci, but how did she have access to the hospital so often? She must be really sick with SOMETHING!”
She could walk into the ER whenever she wanted and certainly would have been taken by ambulance anytime she “peed her pants and passed out.” We heard Mahaste say that Cory made a big scene of needing her to frantically come in the middle of the night to pick up Amanda from the ER. That is a big, emotional experience for Mahaste (frantic, middle of the night). Please, also note that if you are deathly ill, you are not being discharged in the middle of the night from the ER, you are admitted to the hospital. In Shania Twain’s words, if you are getting sent home in the middle of the night, then your medical emergency “Don’t Impress Me Much.”
I’m sure she also could have been actually hospitalized at some point with lies, saying she has lymphoma along with exaggerated/invented symptoms. If she states she has Lymphona (and that ER doesn’t have access to outside Medical Records “where she is getting cancer treatments”) and states she has 10/10 pain and reports passing out, OF COURSE they are going to evaluate her in the ER and may possibly even admit her to the hospital. There was also some discussion of drugs by Officer Martinez on the podcast, so I would not be surprised if she was actually in withdrawl at some point. However, I do not believe she was ever hospitalized for a long period of time. Unless one person (besides Cory!) can attest that they visited her every day consecutively in a hospital room, I don’t believe that ever happened.
3. Amanda got everyone involved and emotionally invested.
After being established with the group, she would “have a relapse.” She shared lots of photos and emotionally charged posts on her blog and social media. She would frequently share dramatic, ‘life or death’ needs, like if she didn’t get a specific amount of money for chemo, she wouldn’t live to New Years, or see her babies do ____. She gave specific missions and goals and it did bring the community at FCC together to reach these goals (i.e. gifting her family Christmas gifts, cash, and food, raising X amount for the next test or treatment, etc.).
I have heard stories of emotionally manipulative things she would share with her young students, like how she was “afraid to die and leave her two young boys without a mother.”
Not only did her friends and family “experience cancer” with her, she shared in front of her Congregation and spoke at schools, “sharing her testimony” and in asking for prayer, those who were listening and emotionally supporting her were experiencing her story. Hell, even those who only knew of her online and had a parasocial relationship with her were effected by her story.
4. She didn’t work alone.
She used (or possibly worked with?) her husband, Cory, and mom, Peggy AKA ‘The Roaring Goddess’ (instead of Grammy, she goes by ‘Goddess’). It was Peggy’s words that shared, “How is it that the universe could dare threaten to take our beautiful daughter from us with this disease? Screw you cancer. I've been lashing out like an angry lioness since August with the relapse of Amanda's Hodgkin's lymphoma.”
They would vouch for her being sick, admitted to the hospital, or told others they “held her hand through chemo.”
It was the perfect lie… until the persistence of some strong women (+ Officer Martinez) paid off and now she is in FMC Carswell Federal Prison in Texas, serving her 60 month sentence (due to be released August 2026).
Why did Amanda put in SO much effort, time, and energy into manipulating others and living a lie for almost a decade? This explanation seems to be a good theory (GUESS) that Nancy mentioned:
“Malingering is an act, not a condition.
Malingering was first used to describe soldiers who tried to avoid military service in the 1900s” (What to know about malingering),
“Malingering is not considered a mental illness. … The DSM-5 describes malingering as the intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological problems. Motivation for malingering is usually external (e.g., avoiding military duty or work, obtaining financial compensation, evading criminal prosecution, or obtaining drugs)” (Malingering).
Amanda received a tremendous amount of emotional support, encouragement, validation, status and feelings of importance, money, meals, babysitting/childcare, airfare, health supplements, and free places to stay for her “cancer diagnosis.” Basically, anything she wanted, she would convert her lie to obtain it:
Feeling lonely? Have a relapse.
Want to Visit New York in the Fall? Join a Clinical Trial!
Your husband needs a new truck? Fundraise for cancer treatments!
Don’t feel like working? Visit the ER!
Thank you so much to Nancy Moscatiello, for her persistence and hard work over the DECADE of #SCAMANDA. As Officer Martinez says, “Persistence Pays.” She, along with all of the strong women featured in the podcast (+ Officer Martinez), are all heroes for enduring what they did, holding onto truth and justice and putting an end to Amanda’s lies (for now…).